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You're viewing Custom Robo Arena Cheat Codes

Game Name : Custom Robo Arena
System : Nintendo DS
Date Added : 2006-09-17 00:48:34
Views : 25848
Unlock Ray MK II Robo
Complete the Great Robo Cup. Then, go talk to your father at his lab.

First Exam Answers
Use the following answers to pass the first exam:

Question 01: C
Question 02: B
Question 03: C
Question 04: A
Question 05: C
Question 06: B
Question 07: A
Question 08: B
Question 09: A
Question 10: C
Question 11: C
Question 12: B
Question 13: A
Question 14: A
Question 15: B
Question 16: B
Question 17: A
Question 18: C
Question 19: B
Question 20: B

Unlock Ray MK II Robo
Complete the Great Robo Cup. Then, go talk to your father at his lab.

Unlock Hiykko Robo
Complete the Great Robo Cup. Then, go to the Team No.1 Clubhouse. Talk to the boxes above the stairs to begin a battle. Defeat your opponent without using a combo that gets over 380 damage.
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